And the June report makes its late entry. Lets get down to business.
Total installations end of June 2013:
Google Play |
| +7,797 |
GetJar |
| +??? |
Amazon |
| +323 |
Handster |
| +56 |
| +??? |
Active installations end of June 2013: | |
| +419 |
Admob stats June 2013: | |
Impressions | 318,221 | -23,263 |
eCPM | $0.38 | +$0.02 |
CTR | 0.81% | +0.04% |
REVENUE | $122.32 | -$0,15 |
The numbers from June were very similar to the ones from May. I implemented Google Play games services in the game and I think that is awesome, but it did not improve my download numbers at all. This is obviously not the $400 which has been my next goal for a while now, but I'm hopeful for several reasons. The reason for the missing numbers is that GetJar's developer console is down. I'll go back and fill in the remaining data when it is back up.
My long term goal is still $2000 to make a full time living of my games. I'll keep my next month goal on $400 until I reach it.
So I think that Jungle Jumper is more or less done, it will keep earning a bit, but I really don't think it will suddenly start downloading and earning like crazy. I will keep improving the game, but I think it's safe to assume that it's glory days are behind it. Jungle Jumper will however be passing it's 50,000 download mark on Google Play very soon which is a bit exciting.
It's all about new games... I've talked about working on other games and one in particular several times, but I still don't have anything to show for it. I can only say that I've had very little time for it and that I have not really hit upon the right recipe for my next game.
But my situation is changing, I should be getting considerably more time to work on my games soon and there are several other things going on that will hopefully make it easier and make my games better.
I'm not going to go into any details because I'll be doing a big status update about it all in a few days.
It looks like July will be a really bad month and that I won't make it past $100 which is quite sad since that will be a first since getting above it. Maybe it's all the nice weather making people go outside and play in real life. But I'll keep my $400 goal just to spite everyone :).