Monday, October 28, 2019

Catching Up

So it's been a while since my last update, I'm not going to try and summarise everything that's happened since. I've had a mix of busy, stressful and and frustrating weeks, but I'm finally settling down and doing much better with my projects, so lets see where we are at.

Project Flow RPG

My game is finally picking up some steam. I have had a really difficult time sitting down and putting in the work needed for it and the skill system has been very difficult to nail down. But in the last week or two it has really started moving the right way and become a tonne of fun to work on again.

I'm of course behind where I would be hoping to be, but it feels like I will progress now. The plan currently is to try and get a simple version of the game out before Christmas and then keep adding content afterwards.

Blending Away

I spent yesterday making a nice little scene in Blender for the October reddit Blender competition. I've been very inspired by all the info coming out from Blender Con this weekend and especially from Ian Hubert, who had a talk as well. His little 1 minute tutorials has really given me a different view on how you can quickly put something basic together and achieve a good look, rather than modeling, sculpting and texturing everything from scratch.

Coming Up

So the plan going forward is to spend as much time as possible working on the Flow RPG project and then when I tire of it, sprinkle in a few other things. 

Next month is National Novel Writing Month and I'd really like to participate and it seems if I won't do it now, I never will. I have a basic idea for a story I'd like to write, so I'll see if I can get into it starting on Friday.

Also I'd really like to spend another day doing another scene in Blender, so perhaps when next months theme gets announced I'll jump into that.

I'm also taking a week home in Denmark in November, so that will definitely set a limit to my productivity that week, but I'll bring my laptop and try to get some work done there as well.

I'm going to try and make a concerted effort to put up a little status update every Friday afternoon about how far I've gotten with the game.

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