Friday, July 3, 2020

July Update - Game Development, Covid19, Writing Short Stories and Teaching Blender

So it's been a while. And I guess the world has become a very strange place since my last update.

After I finished my trolloc animation, I tried getting back into some game development, specifically I was trying to make some small games using the Godot engine, since I've wanted to make the switch from Unity to Godot for a while. But I had a really tough time getting into Godot and the project I made wasn't really very thought through so it ended up fizzling out a bit for me.

I think Godot is a great engine and that I will get used to it, I think maybe I was just a bit worn out and didn't have a great approach to my last project.

At around this point, the Covid19 situation starting developing and while I was already working from home on my projects, it has of course given everything a very different feel. My girlfriend is working from home, which is very cozy, but sometimes makes it hard for me to be productive as I use her precense as an excuse not to work on my projects.

I decided to take a few weeks off from game development and try and do some writing, but this ended up being a much longer process than I thought and I've probably been just writing for 3-4 months at this point.

I've always wanted to write a fantasy novel, so I went back over some ideas and tried to plan out a novel, but kept running into issues with my outlines, after a while I put the novel away and decided to try for some short stories instead.

This was also really tough for me, but I've managed to write two fantasy short stories that I'm pretty happy with, one of which I've polished and yesterday I submitted it to "Beneath Ceaseless Skies" magazine and I really hope they will pick it up. Even if they don't, I should get a personalised rejection letter and have some infomation on what I can improve in the future.

I'm thinking I'd like to try and write a third short story, maybe a science fiction story this time. And I'd like to get all three stories to a point where I can have them out for consideration and then give another go at a novel.

While I've been working on this, one of my friends who teaches game development at a local college suggested I make a proposal for an evening class teaching computer graphics at the college. So I did and it ended up getting approved, so I'll be teaching a class this October which will be very exciting and rather terrifying.

At this point I need to start getting serious about the plans for my teaching in October, so I'll probably be doing a lot of Blender work, but I would also love to get back into some game dev work. Maybe I could find a game project, that didn't require too much programming, but where I could stretch my Blender skills somewhat.

I'll try and do more updates, but I'm pretty bad at that to be honest . . .

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