Thursday, November 21, 2019

Quick Update - Rat in the game

So I've rewritten a lot of the enemy code, so I haven't gotten as far as I would like, but I am progressing, here is where the game is at currently. The enemy rat is in the game and there is now an Action Point Counter and cost to using a skill.

I'll be home in Denmark for a week, so I don't expect much to happen then. After that it's back to the player graphics, which I'm quite well into drawing at the moment.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Rat Enemy Almost Done

Another week of working on the game and I've had some good progress.

I started the week out working on an Action Point system for the skill casting. So you can no longer simply spam skills, you get an action point every 5 seconds and only if you have enough can you cast a skill. I have not yet decided exactly how you will get action points in the game. Possible you'll get an action point every time you do another action like an attack or a defend.

I then spent the rest of the week working on the graphics for the first enemy. This has taken way longer than I had hoped. It basically took two days to redraw it from scratch and then I've spent one day setting up the 2D rig for animating it. I had really hoped I would manage to get some animation done and have it ready in the game today, but I just ran out of time and energy. At least I'm very happy with how the design turned out.

Next up will be animating the rat and putting it in the game and then I think I need to get a version of the player character done as well. So lots of drawing and animating next week.